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How to Import a Pre-Made Demo Sample Data

Important: You must have the Total Theme Core plugin enabled on the site in order to use the demo importer.

For some people importing the sample data file can be helpful to see how the theme works as well as speed up the development of their own or their client’s website by simply replacing the content and images with their own.

Built-in Demo Importer

The Total theme has a built-in demo importer (based on the WordPress core import/export plugin) which you access via the WordPress dashboard and allows you to import any demo with ease. Simply go to Theme Panel > Demo Importer to choose and import the demo of your choice:


No Demos found Error? If you are getting an error and you don’t see any demos please contact your webhost and make sure that curl is enabled on the server and your server allows outgoing connections.

502 Error? If the demo importer doesn’t finish and displays a 502 Error this means that your server is crashing for some reason. You may need to increase your server memory limit, max_execution time or other limitation (you can check the server error logs to see what error was generated). This can be common for demos that include a lot of images, many budget hosting companies like Bluehost/Hostgator have low limitations and so the server is likely timing out while it tries to download all the sample images.

Import Only What You Need

The demo importer allows you to select what you want to import. So for example if you only want to import the Sliders used on a demo you could select to import the slides only or if you want you can import the sample data but not the images which will really speed things up and not bloat up your server.

One Click Demo Import Plugin

The Total theme also includes built-in support for the One Click Demo Import plugin so if you are having troubles with the built-in theme importer you could try this plugin out. This plugin doesn’t use the core WordPress import/export function so it works a bit different and may work better with your server setup so you can give it a try if wanted.
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